martes, 23 de junio de 2015

A letter for all Spaniards

People have always criticized Spain, for one reason or another. Even myself, when I was still living there, would complain about the country and would say the typical sentence "in [any other country] [this] is way better". And I was forgetting about one thing: Spain is not its politicians, Spain is its culture, its cities and its people. And that's impossible to find somewhere else. Why? Because a country's people, cities and culture are unique of that one country.

Now I live outside Spain and I've realized that. I live in a country where culture, mores and people are different. And at that point is where you miss Spain.

You miss people talking loud at the restaurants, the closeness of the people, having a coffee in the evening, going for a walk just because, unknown people who talk to you and, after a while, becomes friendship, and many more things.

Some of the people who live in Spain are used to all those things and don't realize about their uniqueness. Probably other countries such as Italy or Greece have similar things, but not the same.

Despite all that, I see people living in Spain and complaining about Spain. One thing is complaining about the politicians who govern the country, and another is complaining about the country itself. A country where we, our family and our friends live. Friends that can be from anywhere in Spain. Because among Spaniards, we have our differences but we are still more similar that different.

During my life I've seen many people taking advantage of all the things Spain has to offer. And still, they complain about the country. Something I don't really understand. They think anything out of Spain is better, and that's not true.

There are many Spaniards who have to leave their country looking for a better future. But I'm pretty sure that most of them, if possible, would go back to Spain. And they probably think about how lucky the people who create their future in Spain are.

I'm from Galicia and I'm very proud of it. I'm also Spanish, and proud of it too. And I'm also proud of the other Communities that belong to Spain. I feel proud of the variety of my country. That's the real wealth.

So stop for a moment and think about all the wonderful things Spain have to offer, things that now you take for granted. And what's more important, enjoy them.