domingo, 28 de junio de 2015

One of the things that I've learnt the hard way

Today, I want to give you [to all my non-English speaking people] a very useful advice. I, who I've already gone through that uncomfortable experience, want to transmit my knowledge so you don't have to go through the same thing.

Spanish gastronomy is wonderful. But it's also can I say it?...static. What do I mean by this? I'll tell you now.

As far as I know, in some places, when you order a steak [in Spain], you are asked if you want it well done, rare, etc. So far so good.

But it's a bit more complicated when you are asked things in English. Here, in Canada, brunch is very common. In Spain it wouldn't make much sense because even if you wake up at 12 PM you still have breakfast.

To explain what I said before, I'm going to use an example:

You order the brunch number 4, which is fries, eggs and toasts. You are very happy because you're starving and, finally, you're going to get some food. But right after you tell the waiter/waitress your choice, he/she will make you the following question: how do you want your eggs?

Now, two things can happen. First one, the waiter/waitress proceeds to list all the possible ways in which an egg can be cooked at super high speed. And you, who have no idea of what they all mean, order the only one you understood. In my case, it was poached eggs.

Second thing that can happen is that the waiter/waitress just asks and doesn't list all the options. Therefore, you remain with a stupid look on your face thinking about what you're going to say. And, of course, you end up saying the only option you know: poached eggs.

And after the waiter/waitress is gone, you wonder why they don't do it the Spanish way and just serve huevos fritos.

But my despair ended when I ask how to say huevos fritos in English. And it's sunny side up. Now my days of brunch are way better.

Because of this, I recommend you to learn the ways eggs are cooked if you come to Canada and go for brunch. And I hope that all bars in Spain keep serving only huevos fritos [except if you yourself ask for other option].

So, if you want to start studying, here you have a very useful link [click].